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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

We ship all orders within 3-5 business days and if for any reason you need to change shipping method or information, please contact us. 


We ship all our products wrapped in bubble wrap and packed tightly. We also do special gift wrapping and messages if requested; just feel free to reach out and we will try our best to fulfill your needs.  

Return & Exchange Policy

Thank you for purchasing our products! Please contact us for any returns within 14 business days of your purchase in order to be deemed eligible for a full refund. All items still in original packaging, that has not been opened or tampered with, is suitable for return. After the item is received we will inspect it to determine if we can process the refund.


After the 2 week period, you will no longer be eligible for returns. If you have any questions or would like to request a refund, you may contact us at any time.  

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